
Dr.B. Rama Rao was born in Medak (Telangana State) in 1937 to Sri Bhagavatam Sitarama Rao, a prodigious, traditional Ayurvedic Physician with versatile talents including contribution to philosophical literature. His father passed away when he was of a very tender age, and he was assiduously brought up by his mother Srimati Annapurnamma.

He is a graduate in Ayurveda and Telugu and a post-graduate in Sanskrit from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He is a profound scholar in Sanskrit, Telugu and Ayurveda and is also well versed in English, Hindi and Urdu.

Dr. Rama Rao started his professional journey as a Field Investigator in the Department of History of Medicine of Government of Andhra Pradesh. Later he worked as a Deputy Tahsildar in the Revenue Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, for three years, which offered him a position of authority and a financially rewarding career. However, his genuine interest for a career in the literary sphere of his interests, that is, research into the History of Indian Medicine, Ayurveda, shaped his career. He preferred devoted exploration of academic excellence to power and financial prosperity and this propelled him to leave his promising job in the Revenue Department and returned to the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (IIHM).

Dr. Rama Rao worked for a long time in different capacities, beginning as a Field Officer and eventually headed the Institute (IIHM) as the Director. During his tenure in IIHM, he contributed immensely to the development of the research and other activities, pertaining to the History of Medicine in India in general, including the History of Ayurveda, as a special interest. Dr. B Rama Rao did not merely perform his duties as an employee but put his heart and soul to the task. His love for the subject and his self-discipline were behind his many contributions to the respective fields. He has painstakingly collected and deciphered information relating to health and medicine from non-medical sources like kävyas, puränas, inscriptions, archaeological sources, etc. He is so devoted and industrious that he visited even remote places to interact with authorities of the subjects and sources of information, sometimes, even for a small amount of information. His obedience and regard for elders and pioneers in the field of Ayurveda and Literature are remarkable and are a source of inspiration.

He served as the Head of Dr. A. Lakshmipati Research Centre for Ayurveda and Literary Research Unit in Chennai and retired from service in 1997 as the Director of Indian Institute of Panchakarma, Kerala. However, retirement was not a full stop, not even a pause, for his work. He continued to serve with all his skills, gained through years of experience. After the retirement from government service, he worked as the principal of Dharma Ayurvedic College, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, till July 1999.

Another important contribution of Dr. Rama Rao is the collection of information and study of palm leaf manuscripts, particularly of Ayurveda in Sanskrit and Telugu. Many unknown valuable works on Ayurveda and allied subjects lying for a long time as manuscripts were brought to light by him. Some of them are Todärananda Äyursedasaukhya, Äyurvedäbdhisåra, Rasapradipikä of Bharadväja, Dravyaratnävali, Madanånanda, Parahitasamhita, Vaidyasåstrasivanubhåva, Madanågama, Siddhasära and many more. He compiled a list of Medical Sanskrit manuscripts in India which was revised, enlarged, and published by Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS).

He gave many discourses and published many books and articles on the following topics and lists of those contributions are presented in this website, in detail:

  • History of Medicine in India
  • Manuscripts on Indian Medicine
  • Literature on Ayurveda in Sanskrit and Telugu
  • Non-Medical sources for Ayurveda
  • Sanskrit and Telugu literature

He guided many students of Ayurveda in preparation of their thesis etc and is a role model for upcoming researchers in the field. He selflessly contributed his time and energies to proof reading, editing and improvisation of several works of other writers in the field of Ayurveda and traditional literature. Dr. Rama Rao gained name in the work of research in Ayurveda and is widely known on the subject of literary research on Ayurveda in India and abroad. Though he is a graduate on Ayurveda, he was an examiner and evaluator for a PHD thesis on Literary Aspects of Ayurveda at BHU (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi). This explains the authority of Dr. Rama Rao on the subject.

Dr. B Rama Rao is the disciple of late Sri Ayilavajjhula Venkataramanaiah garu, a renowned Devi Upasaka, who guided Sri Rama Rao to become an ardent devotee of Sri Chamundeswari Devi. He is a man of impeccable faith, pious in his prayers, ardent with his beliefs, loves to observe the traditions meticulously and remains undeterred by ups and downs in life.

He contributed to the publication of the Telugu version of Sri Guru Charitra, a book on incarnations of Sri Dattatreya, written by Swami Sri Bodhanandendra Saraswathi. His latest contribution to literature is his translation of one of the most revered and recited sacred texts, Sri Devi Saptashati of Sri Markandeya Purana to Telugu, for the benefit of his fellow worshippers.

At the age of eighty plus, Dr. Rama Rao actively contributes with his excellent work in research and literature, relentlessly. He continues to interact with experts from the related fields and shares his knowledge openly with all seekers.



Dr.B. Rama Rao was born in Medak (Telangana State) in 1937 to Sri Bhagavatam Sitarama Rao, a prodigious, traditional Ayurvedic Physician with versatile talents including contribution to philosophical literature. His father passed away when he was of a very tender age, and he was assiduously brought up by his mother Srimati Annapurnamma.

He is a graduate in Ayurveda and Telugu and a post-graduate in Sanskrit from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He is a profound scholar in Sanskrit, Telugu and Ayurveda and is also well versed in English, Hindi and Urdu.

Dr. Rama Rao started his professional journey as a Field Investigator in the Department of History of Medicine of Government of Andhra Pradesh. Later he worked as a Deputy Tahsildar in the Revenue Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, for three years, which offered him a position of authority and a financially rewarding career. However, his genuine interest for a career in the literary sphere of his interests, that is, research into the History of Indian Medicine, Ayurveda, shaped his career. He preferred devoted exploration of academic excellence to power and financial prosperity and this propelled him to leave his promising job in the Revenue Department and returned to the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (IIHM).

Dr. Rama Rao worked for a long time in different capacities, beginning as a Field Officer and eventually headed the Institute (IIHM) as the Director. During his tenure in IIHM, he contributed immensely to the development of the research and other activities, pertaining to the History of Medicine in India in general, including the History of Ayurveda, as a special interest. Dr. B Rama Rao did not merely perform his duties as an employee but put his heart and soul to the task. His love for the subject and his self-discipline were behind his many contributions to the respective fields. He has painstakingly collected and deciphered information relating to health and medicine from non-medical sources like kävyas, puränas, inscriptions, archaeological sources, etc. He is so devoted and industrious that he visited even remote places to interact with authorities of the subjects and sources of information, sometimes, even for a small amount of information. His obedience and regard for elders and pioneers in the field of Ayurveda and Literature are remarkable and are a source of inspiration.

He served as the Head of Dr. A. Lakshmipati Research Centre for Ayurveda and Literary Research Unit in Chennai and retired from service in 1997 as the Director of Indian Institute of Panchakarma, Kerala. However, retirement was not a full stop, not even a pause, for his work. He continued to serve with all his skills, gained through years of experience. After the retirement from government service, he worked as the principal of Dharma Ayurvedic College, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, till July 1999.

Another important contribution of Dr. Rama Rao is the collection of information and study of palm leaf manuscripts, particularly of Ayurveda in Sanskrit and Telugu. Many unknown valuable works on Ayurveda and allied subjects lying for a long time as manuscripts were brought to light by him. Some of them are Todärananda Äyursedasaukhya, Äyurvedäbdhisåra, Rasapradipikä of Bharadväja, Dravyaratnävali, Madanånanda, Parahitasamhita, Vaidyasåstrasivanubhåva, Madanågama, Siddhasära and many more. He compiled a list of Medical Sanskrit manuscripts in India which was revised, enlarged, and published by Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS).

He gave many discourses and published many books and articles on the following topics and lists of those contributions are presented in this website, in detail:

  • History of Medicine in India
  • Manuscripts on Indian Medicine
  • Literature on Ayurveda in Sanskrit and Telugu
  • Non-Medical sources for Ayurveda
  • Sanskrit and Telugu literature

He guided many students of Ayurveda in preparation of their thesis etc and is a role model for upcoming researchers in the field. He selflessly contributed his time and energies to proof reading, editing and improvisation of several works of other writers in the field of Ayurveda and traditional literature. Dr. Rama Rao gained name in the work of research in Ayurveda and is widely known on the subject of literary research on Ayurveda in India and abroad. Though he is a graduate on Ayurveda, he was an examiner and evaluator for a PHD thesis on Literary Aspects of Ayurveda at BHU (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi). This explains the authority of Dr. Rama Rao on the subject.

Dr. B Rama Rao is the disciple of late Sri Ayilavajjhula Venkataramanaiah garu, a renowned Devi Upasaka, who guided Sri Rama Rao to become an ardent devotee of Sri Chamundeswari Devi. He is a man of impeccable faith, pious in his prayers, ardent with his beliefs, loves to observe the traditions meticulously and remains undeterred by ups and downs in life.

He contributed to the publication of the Telugu version of Sri Guru Charitra, a book on incarnations of Sri Dattatreya, written by Swami Sri Bodhanandendra Saraswathi. His latest contribution to literature is his translation of one of the most revered and recited sacred texts, Sri Devi Saptashati of Sri Markandeya Purana to Telugu, for the benefit of his fellow worshippers.

At the age of eighty plus, Dr. Rama Rao actively contributes with his excellent work in research and literature, relentlessly. He continues to interact with experts from the related fields and shares his knowledge openly with all seekers.